Daily Archives: June 15, 2010

Today I wrote one intent and one haiku

Discover your own discontent, and be grateful, for without divine discontent there would be no creative force. Deepak Chopra

I stumbled upon so many amazing things today, aside from Deepak’s wisdom.

One! Apparently haiku, or twaiku, is really taking off on twitter. NPR informed me of this today with its call for entries on #publicradiohaiku. I’ve been a long-time proponent of haiku poems. Notably my love grew when my boyfriend and I sat lounging on the back patio of a random, overpriced, trendy, St. Louis eatery creeping people out with bawdy affection and coming up with haiku poems about one another. Haiku should be a part of your relationships, friendships and life.

Then a second great thing happened. I started following @deepakchopra. My mother was a big fan of his. Right now I’m a bit of a poser because I’ve only read his twitter feed, not so much his books. I’ll add it to the summer reading list right after Naked, but in front of A Clockwork Orange.

Even though Deepak hasn’t hit my bookshelf, he turned me on to Intent: www.intent.com. This site allows you to create an account and write your intention for the day. You can have fans and follow others. Intent is full of positive energy. Today Deepak posted, “My intent is to look for the gift in adversity.” I was not as pious. I went with, “To write a funny haiku for others to smile and chuckle at.”

Here is my haiku:
My mom had great gems.
She said men are all the same.
But some have more hair.

Now smile. Then chuckle. It will bond us.

That’s Intent’s hook. It makes you feel connected. Under related intents, I found this gem from Sensei John, “My Intent is to hope like the melting snow in the following haiku, as Christmas melts into the new year, we will all guide & carry the Christmas spirit into our daily lives.” Ok so 5 7 5 isn’t Sensei J’s game. Nevertheless the Sensie, his karate outfit, his goatee and I are now Intent friends!

Follow me under mamaquest. If you create an intent page, let me know and I will follow you!

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Filed under Discoveries, gratitude, grief, loss, mother, parent